PROKON Calcpad > Getting Started > Running PROKON for the first time
Running PROKON for the First Time
A list of items you may want to customise when using PROKON for the first time:
Set a username: The program creates a profile for each user containing his preferences. On running PROKON for the first time, the program will prompt you to enter a username; simply enter your name..
Select your preferred design code: Click the application button (the PROKON icon at the top left of the ribbon) and then PROKON Options. In the dialogue box that opens, go to Preferences and select your preferred design codes for concrete, steel and so on. If you will be using Eurocodes, you can use the Eurocodes configuration utility to customise the parameters applicable to your country.
Configure the section database: On the General tab, launch the Section Database utility. Select an appropriate database on the Country menu and then Save as Default on the File menu.
Configure the materials database: On the General tab, launch the Materials Database utility. Open an appropriate database on the File menu then save it as "Default.mtl".
Set a working folder: The working folder is where the various PROKON modules will store your work (input and design output files). The current working folder is displayed in the program status bar. To set a working folder, click the status bar use the PROKON Options.
Set up the calculation sheets: By default your work will display and print on a calcsheets that bears the PROKON logo. You can completely customise the page layout, but for a start you may want to replace the PROKON logo or select a template with no logo. Click the application button and select Page Setup.
Note: The section and material databases are fully customisable. For more information on using these modules, please refer to the information on their respective Help menus.